
PodGuesting: Disco Nights Season 3

The podcast doesn't have its own website, but you can find it on iTunesĀ or any of your standard podcast apps. Disco Nights was cancelled mid-season, so not every episode got covered, and I recorded some segments that never made it to air. But you can listen to all of the ones I did record, here:… Continue reading PodGuesting: Disco Nights Season 3


PodGuesting: Disco Nights Season 2

The podcast doesn't have its own website, but you can find it on iTunesĀ or any of your standard podcast apps. In my own words, I'd describe my role as unofficial science correspondent, talking about some of the science mentioned in each episode (whether the show portrayed it accurately, or not). I've gone ahead and uploaded… Continue reading PodGuesting: Disco Nights Season 2